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Chara had been a part of Frisk ever since Frisk had landed on the golden flowers, Chara's burial place If you chose the Genocide run, Chara slowly gains control of Frisk's choices Chara is a violent human and hates mankind The more violent and reckless Frisk gets, the more Chara can manipulate those feelings and can get what Chara wants Chara, also known as the Fallen Human, is the posthumous overarching villain of the 15 indie RPG game Undertale (serving as a posthumous character in the Neutral and True Pacifist Routes and the tritagonistturnedfinal antagonist of the Genocide Run) They are the adopted child of Toriel andUntitled fofufofu undertale Frisk Chara How Undertale was madeD Anime Echotale Undertale Favorite Character Yuri Hard Fan Art Comics Kawaii Undertale Comic Undertale Frisk and Chara Anime Undertale Favorite Character Rpg Horror Games Chibi Fan Art Sketch Book Character Design Undertale Comic Image Image Favorites Anime Comic Art Pictures Undertale What Is The ...

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 オマーン王国において、日本の天皇家侵略惨状を目の当たりにする時 スパイ戦悪質を見抜き 感情に流されず 裁くことを大事とす。 国王陛下 ロイター通信がオマーン国営メディアの報道をもとに伝えた。 速報オマーン国王が死去オマンコ食おう – 意識低い系SNSGABUNOMY 元スレ 1:(土) 0921ID3BJqSRbo0 オマーン国王カーブ&#1 道路や陸橋にも国王が。 オマーンは平和な国で、情勢は安定しています。 ただやっぱり国民全員が国王を好きなわけではなさそう。 友人のオマーン人ヤヒア君は王様が大嫌いと言います。 ハイサム新国王が即位 オマーン 共存路線継承 日本経済新聞 オマーン 国王 歴代